
CAS Friend and Donation Form

YES, I want to become a FRIEND OF THE CLEVELAND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY and support our operations for 2022-23.

Basic Friend Contribution                                                                                      Amount

Individual ($25)

Family ($30)

Full-Time Student ($10)                                                                                  ________________

Patron Level Contribution ($100)                                                             ________________

Additional Unrestricted Support                                                                                                            

Used for speaker honoraria and free, post-lecture

“meet-the-speaker” receptions.                                                                    ________________

Field School Scholarship Program

Stone (under $50)

Copper ($50 – $99)

Bronze ($100 – $249)

Iron ($250 or more)                                                                                           ________________

Total Contribution Enclosed                                                                          ________________
The Cleveland Archaeological Society is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________  State: ___________  Zip: _________

Phone: ___________________________  Email: ______________________________________

Please consider including your email address.  It lets us communicate with you more frequently and at a much lower cost.  We do not share email addresses with any other organization.

Please make your check payable to:  Cleveland Archaeological Society.  Return it with this form to:

Mary Adams, Assistant Treasurer
Cleveland Archaeological Society
2522 Norfolk Road
Cleveland Heights, OH  44106

Thank you for your generosity!